Good Nesting

Is A Hotel Voucher Or A Homeless Shelter Better For Your Health?

While putting a roof over your head is probably your top priority when you’re homeless, you still have to consider your health.

We’ll take a look at which option is best for your well-being by discussing the pros and cons of hotel/motel vouchers versus homeless shelters.

If you’re evicted and have no place to call home, your top concern is finding a place to stay. And if you have a family, you need to find that place fast to ensure your loved ones are safe and their basic needs are met.

What’s usually your best bet when you’re homeless and on the verge of living on the streets? Staying with friends or family, as they can offer familiarity plus provide a bit of mental calm to help you fix your situation. And if you have no savings, they can offer a place to stay at no cost, depending on how strong your relationship is.

Unfortunately, everyone cannot rely on friends or family for temporary shelter, forcing them to look at other avenues, such as hotel vouchers and homeless shelters. Each avenue has its benefits, but if your health is a significant concern, one is better than the other, as we’ll show right now.

The Purpose of Homeless Vouchers for Hotels or Motels

If you’ve never heard of this homeless service before, a hotel or motel voucher can help you pay for a room if you’re out of money and need somewhere to stay.

Motel Voucher Advantages

Staying in a hotel or motel offers privacy, as you have your own room that isn’t shared with strangers. And since you’ll be in your room with a door you can lock, you won’t have to worry so much about your safety.

You can enjoy peace and calm during a time when your anxiety is probably extremely high, making a voucher an excellent option for preserving your mental health while you’re homeless. You can preserve your physical health, too, since a hotel or motel room will usually be more clean and sanitary than a shelter.

Motel Voucher Disadvantages

By now, you probably think a hotel or motel voucher is your best bet while homeless. Vouchers do have their disadvantages, though, especially when it comes to availability.

A motel voucher is expensive. The organization that funds it cannot provide such housing for all of the homeless out there. So, even if you get a voucher, you will only be able to use it for a limited time, with three nights usually being the maximum stay.

The short-lived nature of hotel vouchers can actually add to your anxiety, as you may not be able to enjoy the peace and calm such a setting can provide. And if you spend a lot of time and effort trying to find a voucher, that can take its toll on your mental and physical health too.

As for where to find hotel vouchers, you can try contacting your local Salvation Army, Catholic Charities, or homeless shelter. You can also dial 211 or search online for homeless assistance in your area.

Homeless Shelters

Advantages of Homeless Shelters

Knowing you have a place to stay for an extended period can provide peace of mind. This stability gives homeless shelters the edge over hotel vouchers if you don’t want to waste a ton of time and effort looking for a home.

If it’s cold outside or you’re experiencing stormy weather in your area, a homeless shelter can keep you from getting sick. Homeless shelters are also a lot easier to find, unlike hotel vouchers. A shelter can also offer additional resources, like mental health counselors, healthcare, and food to ensure your nutrition is taken care of.

Disadvantages of Homeless Shelters

Homeless shelters can provide stability and health resources. But they can also be bad for your health and lead to instability at the same time due to:

  • Overcrowding
  • Other residents who pose a threat
  • Alcohol and drug abuse
  • Violence/theft
  • Sanitary issues

With all of that being said, your best bet is to use a combination of a homeless shelter and hotel vouchers until you get your own place. Use all of the resources (especially ones for health) at your disposal and work hard to find employment, so you can ensure your homelessness is short-lived.