Good Nesting

12 Places That Can Help Pay Your Bills

Are you struggling to keep up because your rent, grocery, and utility bills are too high? Then use these programs that offer assistance in those essential areas.

As it gets more expensive to rent, food and utility costs are increasing. Add them all together, and it’s no wonder why so many families can’t get by without outside assistance. If you need help paying your rent and utility bills or could use some extra food in the house, the following programs could be just what you need right now:

1. HUD

If you’re like most, that monthly rent payment swallows a majority of your income. That’s why contacting the HUD and one of its Public Housing Agencies is a smart move if you’re barely staying afloat, as it can make rent a lot more affordable.

With a Section 8 voucher from the HUD, your rent payment will be capped at 30 percent of your income. Best of all, you’ll get to use that voucher to live in a single-family home, townhome, or apartment in a safe neighborhood.

To ensure your housing issues stay fixed via affordable rent, contact your Public Housing Agency now. It will give you peace of mind and the stability you need to become self-sufficient.

2. Gradient Gives Back Foundation

Some families who have applied to this nonprofit have received a full year of mortgage or rent payment assistance.

3. St. Vincent de Paul

Contact this organization for help with your rent or mortgage payments. They can also offer clothing, food, and other necessities.

4. Salvation Army

Besides food and homeless shelters, the Salvation Army sometimes offers rent and utility assistance via its Pathway of Hope Program.

5. Lifeline

You can shave some dollars off your monthly phone or Internet bill with this assistance program from the federal government.


With energy costs skyrocketing, you’ll be glad to know that the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program can help pay your heating and cooling bills. Even better, you could qualify for free repairs or replacement of damaged heating or cooling equipment, plus weatherization upgrades to improve your home’s energy efficiency.

7. Dollar Energy Fund

Get help with your energy bills from this organization that works with over 40 utility companies across the country.

8. National Hunger Hotline

If your kitchen is empty, calling the National Hunger Hotline at 1-866-3-HUNGRY can feed your family quickly and keep starvation at bay.

9. Catholic Charities

While you can get food assistance here thanks to this organization’s farms, food banks, and pantries, you can also receive healthcare and housing assistance to ensure all of your needs are met.

10. Feeding America

With over 60,000 food pantries and 200 food banks from coast to coast, you’re bound to find nutrition assistance quickly via this service.

11. The Summer Food Service Program

There’s no need to let your kids’ nutrition falter during the summer months, as you can get free meals and snacks here.

12. Food Stamps

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) gives qualifying households EBT cards with monthly funds to buy groceries.