Good Nesting

5 Ways To Cut Your Car Costs

Maintaining your car can prevent major, unexpected repairs down that line that can destroy your bottom line.

More importantly, it can keep you from having to replace your car at a time when automobile prices are out of control. We’ll share several ways to maintain your car without paying a premium.

If you think maintaining your car is no big deal since you can always replace it, think again. According to statistics, used cars are 30 percent more expensive today than a year ago. And even if you decide to buy an older car, you may not be able to afford it anymore, as nine-year-old vehicles have gone up 43 percent in price.

You cannot control the price of used cars or the expensive gas that it takes to fuel them up. But you can control how you maintain your car to prevent costly repairs and replacements. Here are some simple tips for cutting your car costs.

1. Try These Low-Cost Repair Hacks

Even if you perform preventive maintenance and keep your car in tip-top shape, you may come to a point where you need a costly and complicated repair that only experts can handle. If that’s the case, there are two ways to get that repair at the lowest cost possible:

Call a mechanic school – Trade schools in the area that train mechanics may be willing to perform the repair at a deep discount to help their students gain valuable experience. They may also let you bring your own parts to cut your costs even more.
Use pre-owned parts – In many cases, there’s no need to use brand-new parts for car repairs. You can get parts like used doors or windows in great shape for a fraction of the cost, or you can find rebuilt parts like alternators or fuel injectors on the cheap. To find used parts that can save you up to 40 percent, contact used auto parts stores, salvage yards, or ask the mechanic.

2. Clean Your Battery Terminals

A toothbrush, baking soda, water, and a little elbow grease are all it takes to regularly clean your battery terminals to avoid paying $250 to replace it prematurely.

3. Keep Your Tank ¼ Full

Many people are probably driving on E nowadays due to high gas prices. While you may think this can save you cash, the opposite is true, as driving on a tank below ¼ full can wear out your fuel pump. To avoid a $1,000 replacement cost, always fill up once you hit that ¼ mark.

4. Use YouTube For Do-It-Yourself Repairs

You’d be surprised at how many minor repairs you can perform on your own to save on labor costs. For example, you could replace your own air filter every 30,000 to save $60. Or you could also switch out your wiper blades to save $70 when they stop working. Simply search for the repair on YouTube, and follow what you see.

5. Help Your Tires Last Longer

Inside your driver’s side door jamb, you should see the recommended tire pressure. Check your tires once a month to ensure they’re inflated to that level to prevent premature wear and tear that can result in a $150 replacement per tire. Keeping your tires inflated can also prevent premature brake pad replacements (another $150 each) and boost your fuel efficiency.