Good Nesting

Factors That Make It Easier To Get A Homeless Hotel Voucher

If you’ve ever tried to find a homeless hotel voucher, you know they’re pretty limited.

Here are some things that can make it easier to get a voucher so that you can enjoy the privacy of a hotel or motel versus an overcrowded homeless shelter.

What’s your number one goal when you’re homeless? If you’re like most, it’s probably replacing the home you previously had so you can gain safety and stability. Until you can get your finances together and gain employment, your options may be limited.

Unless friends and family can help, you may find yourself stuck in a homeless shelter. But if you’re lucky, you could get a hotel or motel voucher that could provide privacy, safety, and a sanitary environment, at least temporarily.

Before we get into some factors that can make it easier to get a homeless hotel voucher, let’s discuss how it’s only a temporary fix. While a homeless shelter can give you peace of mind knowing you have a place to stay for a decent amount of time, a hotel voucher cannot. Why? Because hotel vouchers usually give you a maximum stay of three nights at a hotel or motel.
That isn’t much time to fix your situation, which is why homeless vouchers should be seen as a luxury and not your main goal.

It’s also worth noting that homeless vouchers will usually place you in a motel instead of a hotel. This is because the agencies that fund vouchers need fundraisers to come up with the cash. And funding is quite limited, so more expensive hotels aren’t the most affordable option.

Factors That Improve Your Chances of Getting a Homeless Hotel Voucher

Even though motel vouchers are temporary and hard to get, you may still have your sights set on getting one. Here are some situations that can improve your chances of being selected for a hotel voucher:

  • You are now homeless because a disaster like a flood, fire, hurricane, etc., destroyed your home.
  • You are a victim of abuse or domestic violence and need safe housing.

Those two situations can put you at the top of the list for getting a hotel voucher. But the weather can help as well, mainly when it’s harsh. For example, if you are homeless and live in a big city, voucher distribution may increase during the summer months when temperatures get dangerously hot. The same holds true when winters produce freezing temperatures.

What else can help your chances of securing a motel voucher? Depending on your location, you may get priority if you are a single parent, single male, senior, or disabled.

Where to Find Homeless Motel Vouchers

Your mileage may vary when seeking a motel voucher. Do your best to contact each of these resources and as for hotel/motel voucher availability:

Tell them your situation, and be sure to explain why you need a voucher instead of a shelter. You could list concerns about security, safety, sanitary conditions, etc., to convince the person you’re speaking to that a shelter isn’t an ideal option.

  • Assistance programs in your state, city, or county
  • Your local homeless shelter
  • 211 (may be the easiest option)
  • Salvation Army
  • Catholic Charities