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These Companies Are Hiring Online Chat Workers

Are you looking for a way to work from home? If so, you may want to do online chat for one of these companies.

Working from home can be ideal if you have kids. Not only can it boost your income, but it can also save you money from having to pay for childcare.

Unfortunately, kids can make it hard to work from home since they can be so distracting. And if you were looking into customer service, you can’t talk to people on the phone with your kids being noisy in the background.

What’s your best bet, then? To work from home doing an online chat job, as noise won’t matter as much. And if you want to avoid talking to people on the phone altogether, you won’t have to do that, as chat is all about typing.

While there are tons of companies hiring online chat workers, here are some that should give you a nice head start on your job search:

Best Buy

From time to time, Best Buy hires customer service agents to work from home. Your tasks will usually be pretty basic, as you can help customers complete orders or answer any questions they may have about products. Think of it as working at Best Buy, but instead of being on the floor, you can answer everyone’s questions on your couch.

Live Person

As its name suggests, Live Person deals with providing actual people online to help customers when needed. They do this for several companies across various industries.

You can either help customers with basic questions via chat, or you can do so through Facebook Messenger and text. And if you’re well-versed on particular topics, you can become a content expert, which probably pays more.

Sutherland Global

You’ll have the opportunity to work for several businesses if Sutherland Global hires you as a virtual customer service agent. You can choose between positions that require email, chat, or phone support, and you can work on a full or part-time basis to fit your schedule.


You’ve probably heard of Indeed before, as it’s a popular job board. While many of its positions are for in-person work, you can also use it to search for online chat jobs.


You can use this site to search for online chat jobs. Even though it looks like a regular job board such as Indeed, many people use it to find work-from-home jobs.

SiteStaff Chat

Are you skilled at multitasking? Do you often find yourself chatting with several friends at once on Facebook or WhatsApp? If so, an online job with SiteStaff Chat may be right up your alley. The employer prioritizes people who can manage multiple chats at once, so be sure to emphasize that in your application.


Some of the tasks ModSquad may pay you to complete include interacting with people on social media or moderating online forums.


Here’s an online chat opportunity that’s more formal than most. With Concentrix, you will be asked to work on a full-time basis and follow a schedule. As you work from home, you’ll offer tech support and customer service. Best of all, working for Concentrix comes with a benefits package.


Do you want people to come to you for work? Would you like to work for multiple companies or complete several gigs to earn money working from home? If so, set up a profile on Upwork and list yourself as an online chat expert. You can also use Upwork to be more proactive and search for online chat openings.