Good Nesting

4 Ways To Lower Your Monthly Bills In 2022

Are your monthly bills spiraling out of control?

Before you get stressed over your increased costs, know that there are four simple ways to lower your bills so you can make this year one where you save a ton.

1. Reduce Your Car Insurance Note

Gas prices don’t look like they’re going to decrease anytime soon, but you can reduce at least one car-related expense: Your insurance. One way to do so is to call your insurer and ask for any available discounts, such as:

  • A discount for driving fewer than 10,000 miles per year (which could apply to you since COVID-19 hit).
  • A retirement discount.
  • A discount for not making a claim in the last five years.

If no discounts are available, check your credit score. Car insurance companies use credit scores to calculate rates. If you’ve been paying your mortgage, car note, credit card bills, etc., on time as of late, your score has probably increased. Call 877-322-8228 for your free credit report to see where you stand, then ask your insurance company to recalibrate your rate if your score has increased. This can result in a discount.

2. Lower Your Internet Bill

Do you receive government benefits like Lifeline, SNAP, Medicaid, etc.? Then apply for the Emergency Broadband Benefit, as it can give you a $50 monthly rebate on your Internet service. If you don’t receive benefits, you may qualify based on income.

Another way to lower your Internet bill is to call your provider. A Consumer Reports survey found that two out of three people who did so were able to lower their bills via promotional rates or other customer perks, especially if they had bundled plans.

3. Cut Your Cable Bill

Do you feel like you’re overloaded with entertainment options? If so, you may want to call your cable company to trim your channel lineup, as that move could save you as much as $50 per month.

Statistics show that millions of households have subscribed to services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime. Such services may offer similar content to what’s in your cable lineup, so by asking to cut some channels, you can stay entertained while paying less each month.

Beyond trimming your lineup, you could also get rid of your DVR service. With most content now available on-demand once it airs, there’s no need to pay an extra $10 per month to record shows and movies.

4. Save With Your Cellphone

The competition between cellphone companies is quite cutthroat nowadays. This works in your favor, as you can enjoy significant savings while still enjoying quality service.

If you’re overpaying for cell service with a large carrier, switching to a smaller budget carrier may be your best move. Here are some examples:

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to sacrifice quality when switching to a budget carrier, as they use similar equipment to their larger counterparts. By switching to a smaller provider, you can slash your cellphone bill in half and pay between $15 to $40 per month.

If budget carriers aren’t for you, stick with a more well-known brand and save by switching to a cheaper plan. AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon offer prepaid plans for as little as $15 per month.