Good Nesting

How To Write The Perfect Letter To Lower Your Rent

What should you do when you’re having trouble paying the rent yet want to continue living in your current home?

The answer is to write a rent hardship letter to your landlord, and we’ll show you how to do just that so you can make your monthly payments more manageable without having to move.

The Purpose Of A Rent Hardship Letter

When you are late on the rent, the last thing you should do is avoid your landlord. Since the problem won’t disappear on its own, you have to tackle it head-on, and communicating is the only way to do that.

Some people like to call or text their landlord to discuss why they cannot pay the rent on time.
Others, however, prefer a more formal route to get the results you desire: Writing a rent hardship letter. In it, you discuss why you cannot pay the rent and the arrangement you would like to have to fix the problem. Here are the details of what every rent hardship letter should contain.

Rent Hardship Letter Essentials

For your landlord to respond favorably, you’ll have to make a convincing argument through your rent hardship letter. To make such an argument, include the following:

  1. Details on why your rent is late – Be genuine here and list precisely why you cannot pay the rent on time. Did you lose your job? Write that and include the date you were laid off or fired.
  2. What you are doing to fix the problem – Telling your landlord that you can’t pay rent because you’re out of cash after losing your job isn’t enough. Now you have to explain what you are doing to replace that lost cash, such as applying for assistance, selling your things, or applying for other jobs. Again, you want to include details and evidence here so they know you are truthful.
  3. A payment promise – If you have some cash saved up, pay a portion of the past due rent to help build trust. Then, give your landlord an exact date when you will pay the remainder.
  4. A request of what you want – If you find that you are having trouble keeping up with the rent regularly, you may want to ask for a lower payment. Don’t feel shy about asking for this, as some landlords will say yes so they can avoid having to screen new tenants.

Rent Hardship Letter Example

You can fill in your details or tweak the example below and send it to your landlord:

[Your name]
[Your address]
[Your phone number]
[Your email address]


Dear [Landlord name],

I cannot pay next month’s rent by [insert your rent due date} since [insert reasons why you cannot pay the rent, such as job loss, reduced hours, etc.]

I am doing everything in my power to fix this situation, such as [insert what you are doing to replace lost income, such as looking for work, selling your stuff, etc.] While I do this, I am asking you for [insert what you want, such as an extension, lower rent payment, a payment plan, etc.] so I can pay the rent in full.

Being a good tenant is extremely important to me, and I want you to know that this is a one-time occurrence. I appreciate your understanding. Please get in touch with me using my information above to discuss this further.

Thanks again,
[Your name]